
Monday 14 May 2012

Father's Day

Father's day will be celebrated this year on Sunday 17th June. It is a celebration of Father's everywhere. It is a chance for us to say, 'Thank you' and 'I love you' Traditionally Father's day is not celebrated in Ireland as much as Mother's day and it should be. It is one day in the year where we can show our appreciation of Father's. We know Father's may not have as much mass on cards or gifts given to them on Father's day but I bet there is not a father anywhere that would not like to spend some special time with his kids on this day and be made feel special. So if you are lucky enough to still have your father in your life, celebrate Father's day with him.

History of Father's Day

Credit for what we now recognise as the official Father's Day goes to Sonora Smart Dodd, who invented her own celebration of Father's Day in 1910. Its first celebration was in Spokane, Washington on June 19, 1910. Her father, a war veteran was a single parent who reared his six children. Although, she initially suggested June 5, her father's birthday, she did not provide the organisers with enough time to make arrangements, and the celebration was deferred to the third Sunday of June.

Extended Father's Day

The father of my children is under the illusion that Father's day is actually a week long. Once the start of the week comes he maintains we should be nice to him all week. The fact as he says, he is 'the only underpants on the line', in other words, the only male in the house, he deserves a lot of taking care of on Father's day by his children and so his three weekly jobs are done by the girls, they have to cut the grass, put out the bins and feed the dog. Look up our selection of Father's Day Cards. Video

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