
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Mother's Day Sunday 10th March.

What is it like to be a Mom.  It is the best feeling in the world.  I remember when I was younger and older women that I worked with would be talking about their kids a lot and I had not an interest in the world in fact, I was usually board by what they were saying but when you become a mom you think back to those people and you realise you are one too.
Mother's day is  about saying thanks to your mom but for me, as a mom it is a time for me to say I am so glad I am one.  Sometimes I think, what the hell used I do before the kids were born, I seem to spend my time running after them, but would I change it? not for all the tea in China. 
Being a Mom is hard work no doubt about it but it is also the most rewarding job you will do.  My own mom is no longer with us and I miss her still every day and I think about all good and bad times we had and I look back at when I was young and I used to say to myself If i have children I will never say X or Y but guess what? I am exactly like her.  I worry like her etc. etc. and I remember her saying once when my children were particularly trying she said, I am so glad I lived to see your children giving you as much grief as you gave me, but don't worry it will pass.
Mother's day Sunday 10th March and CardsComplete has everything you need to send to your mom. 

Friday, 22 February 2013

Patricks Day Party Pack

Patricks Day 17th March.  A day when we celebrate being Irish.  Parades, fun, green, guniness, all things Irish. 
We have put together a 'Patrick's Day Party Pack' for anyone who wants to celebrate Patricks Day.  In our Party pack are balloons, paper cups with shamrocks, napkins saying 'Happy St Patricks Day, Taytos, chocolate, tea bags, a banner and for the Host we are throwing in a Happy St Patricks Day Tiara Free of charge.  To get there by the 17th you need to order before the 1st March so get on line and order your Patricks Day party pack or send a St Patricks day card to your friends/loved ones abroad./

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

St Patrick's Day is coming soon who was this dude and what is all the fuss about...???? . even if you are not Irish you should still celebrate.   At least send somebody a card or party pack 

Patrick was almost certainly born before the end of the Roman rule in Britain (400AD), probably in the southwest of England (though the north, Wales and Scotland have all made claims!). Various biographers suggest his given name was Sochet but all that is known for sure is that he refers to himself as Patricius, a Roman name of which Patrick is the anglicized version.
Calpornious, Patrick’s father, was a deacon who was involved in tax raising so Patrick’s childhood, growing up in a large Roman Villa, would have been very comfortable. In his confession, Patrick wrote ‘according to the World’s reckoning, I was a gentleman’.
Disaster struck at the age of 15. With the roman influence fading, raiders from Ireland were able to develop a thriving slave trade. Such a raiding group took Patrick back to Ireland where he was forced to work as a shepherd. It is believed he lived and worked on he slopes of the imposing Slemish Mountain in County Antrim.

After six years, Patrick dreamed of a message from an angel called Victoricus, who urged him to escape his master. Patrick traveled nearly 200 miles – probably to Waterford – where he completed his escape back to England. Back home, he trained as a priest and within a decade had become a Bishop.
Then he had another vision of Victoricus - this time carrying letters. One of these, titled ‘the voice of the Irish’ begged him to come to Ireland (although whether he went of his own accord or was sent by the church is unclear).

Patrick probably landed in Ireland in 432AD. It was at the spot where the Slaney River flows into Strangford Lough in County Down. Patrick was politically astute and charismatic and knew the importance of having influential friends. His first conversion was Dichu, the local chieftain and brother of the High King of Ulster. In a barn donated by Dichu, Patrick preached his first sermon in Ireland. Today, on this site at Saul (Sabhal, pronounced Saul, is the Irish for barn) stands a much visited stone replica (built in 1936) of an early church with a round tower.
How far Patrick traveled in Ireland and how many souls he converted can only be guessed at. In his confession, he claims to have baptized many thousands. But Ulster was the real base of his work. Especially the area around Downpatrick and Armagh.
It is difficult to be precise about the exact year of his death although March 17 is given as the date. It was most probably between 460AD and 490AD. The legend of Saint Patrick grew quickly after his death. In 688AD the Book of Armagh placed that city at the center of the growing cult of Patrick and he was elevated to the status of national apostle, interceding in heaven on behalf of the Irish. The Book of Armagh directed all monasteries and churches in Ireland to honor his memory on March 17. 1607 marked the day marked on the Irish legal calendar. Now it is officially Saint Patrick’s Day.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Mothers Day

Mother's Day is Sunday 10th March, 2013

History of Mother's day in Ireland

The history of celebrating Mother's Day in Ireland can be traced to medieval times where children from poor families were sent to work as domestic servants and apprentices in rich homes.
Once a year, in the middle of the Lent, the children were given one day off to visit their 'Mother Church' and worship the Virgin Mary at special masses which would be held in honour of Mary, the Mother of Christ.
After visiting the Mother Church or Cathedral of their home town these children visited their mothers and presented them with flowers they picked along the way.
The practice died out in Ireland around the late 18th century but was revived - with help from the Americans - after World War II.

Mother's day is a day when we spoil our Mums.  When we remind them of how much we care about them.  Its their special day, mother's day a day to celebrate all our fantastic mums. 

log on to and look at our mother's day cards and mother's day gifts.  We have some really nice mother's day gift ideas.

Mothers sayings quotes

 1. “Sure who’ll be looking at ya anyway?”
2. “Don’t leave the house without clean underwear, in case you get run over by a bus”
3. “Be grateful for your own lot”
4. “Your health is your wealth”
5. “It’s not considered a cup of tea unless there is milk in it”
6. “I would give you the bit out of my mouth"
7. “Those potatoes are balls of flower”
8. “Never go to a house with one arm as long as the other”.
9. “I will wash your mouth out with soap”
10. “Eat everything on that plate”

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Valentine's Day

What’s in a kiss?                     What is love? What is Valentine’s Day all about? 

There is no doubt there is a commercial side to Valentine’s day, flowers, chocolates, a card, a small gift and the question what will I get him? What will I get her?  Well I am a pure romantic and I am married to the most un romantic guy in Ireland, I would say, or am I? because I asked myself the question is he romantic? and I automatically say no because, he does not buy me flowers,  he forgets our anniversary, etc. I once got a card on valentine’s day that said happy birthday, he pretended he saw that and said he liked the verse but I know what happened, it had a heart on it, it said love and wife and that’s all that mattered. 

Romance is not just about buying gifts, it is thinking about the other person, it is the time when he knows you are just so tired,  he makes the dinner and brings it in by the fire to you, it is when he buys your favourite biscuit for your cup of tea, it’s when you are at your lowest and he puts his arms around you and says ‘I’m still here and I will be forever’ so why do we need Valentine’s day?  My opinion about Valentine’s day,  is, so  we can Stop for just one moment and think about the person we love and give them a little bit of attention, we are running and racing through our lives, we are scrimping and saving there is pressure from every side you turn and this is the time to say   we are Still Here, we are together and we still love each other and I am sorry if I forgot to say it but I am saying it today. 

So I thought about putting together gift boxes that would contain a variety  of things so that you can enjoy not only on valentine’s day but for months afterwards, so if you are going to buy a gift, it is a bit of luxury but also something that you would like and can use.  Why did I pick the products in the box? Easy, they are good quality and they are Irish and they are growing Irish companies and because  however small I am now I am still supporting local people and the quality is superb. 

So no matter how big or small your gift will be to your loved one on valentine’s day, just remember what it is all about, it is about giving a little attention to the one you love, it is about showing just how much you care, it does not have to be a big present, it just has to be heartfelt and if you are going to buy a gift then look at and if you like what we have buy it.   

Cards Complete is based in Blarney Co. Cork, it is an online business that started in May 2012.  If you don’t want to order your gift box through the internet then phone us and we will put it through for you our number is 087-6630192.  Cards Complete have valentine cards, flowers, gift boxes, handcrafted irish jewellery available on We are adding to our range all the time.  We will have ideas for mother’s day and Patrick’s day available soon.  A full list of each box, their contents and pricing are available at our gifts section